
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Un-bank Yourself - Lend OR Borrow Money Through Faircent!

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Faircent Hello 
Introducing is a market place that lets borrowers borrow at very low interest rates and lenders lend at high interest rates using the concept of P2P Lending.
What is P2P lending?
Peer-to-peer lending removes the bank from the process of loans so that it benefits both the lenders and the borrowers.
Why remove banks?
Banks borrow money from you and lend further to other people or businesses. But the catch is that the interest that they get from the borrowers is very high whereas the interest that they pay you in return is very low, and they earn enormous Margin in between.
By removing the bank from the process, both parties can benefit as the lender can get, assume, 14% (which is higher than 4%) and the borrower pays only 14% (which is lower than 21%) with no intermediary making any profits! This is a crystal-clear procedure of loans.
borrowing now

This is not an offer document, prospectus, invitation to offer, representation, warranty, covenant to accept or grant a loan. Faircent is neither liable nor indemnifies nor guarantees nor insures the user of for any loss or damages, direct or indirect, arising out of or in relation to a loan granted or exchanged between two user of A user of shall grant a loan or accept a loan at its own risk and should consult a legal expert before it enters into a loan transaction.
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